Superman Wiki
Livewire Superman 711
Debut Superman: The Animated Series "Livewire" (1997)
Created by Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer
Portrayed by see In other media
AKA Leslie Willis
Classification Human (Metahuman)
Abilities electric energy

Leslie Willis, also known as Livewire, was first created in Superman: The Animated Series. She was a shock jock (The Queen of all Media) who took shots at Superman. The Man of Steel had a thick skin and did not let such barbs get to him, though some of his fans would call up her show in anger, which she relished. In private, she admitted that her vitriloic attitude had been for publicity and money, as she had to be more vituperative than male radio DJs to make it in a male-dominated career. An outdoor venue she hosted had been the same night as a nasty electrical storm. Attempts by the Metropolis PD to warn of the natural danger were shouted down by the crowd, most of whom were feisty young adults. Superman then was in the area and sensed trouble brewing, which Willis used to taunt the superhero. A scaffolding tower got loose and was about to crush many people in the crowd, but Superman caught it. In doing so, the scaffolding was hit by lightning, which hit Superman, and in turn hit a fleeing Leslie as the lightning bounced off Superman's skin. Willis had suffered electroshock and was put into a coma. It also had the odd aftereffect of making her a living electrical woman and blanching her skin a chalky bluish white. She could manipulate electricity, but these powers were temporary if she was away from electricity too long. She needed to refuel by feeding on a source of power; otherwise she would lack superpowers until this. This also turned her teasing of Superman into outright hatred; blaming him for this transformation despite Superman attempted to save her and others.

She was brought into the mainstream comics in 2006, making her first appearance in Action Comics #835.

In other media[]
